If you could be granted 1 personal wish, what would it be? Would you want to be popular? Hmmm. Would you want to be more successful in your career? Yes I’m sure, but you may ask “could there be something else I could wish for more”. Would you want more of the material things in life; money, property, cars, clothes, bling…? Maybe. I’m sure this would have crossed your mind. But still, could there be that something else that we could wish for more? Wouldn’t you want to be more spiritual and have a fruitful relationship with our maker regardless of your religious persuasion? I’m sure you would, but guess what, not many people make that a priority in their wishes (it should be).
So then, what else could we wish for? Could it be good physical, mental, emotional health and strength? Wouldn’t we want to have a good standard of life to be able to enjoy the many beautiful things around us that we take for granted? Our environment, peace, a stable society, relationships with family and friends…? You know what; I think that would be one of our number one wishes.
How can we achieve this state of good health and strength? Well there are endless dissertations on how this can be done but personally I believe that we should live life to the fullest and enjoy the gift what God has given us. We have our bodies and cognitive ability to control what we do with them (our bodies). I have seen people who take care of their material possessions with more vigour, energy and enthusiasm, than they take care of themselves.
Universally, and speaking only to the physical aspect at this time, the best way to nurture our physiques is by activity. Note; I didn’t say exercise but indirectly, that’s what I mean. When I counsel people on this topic, immediately they translate the message to mean join a gym… That is not what’s being implied. Now don’t get me wrong, gyms are great but you can achieve this physical wish alluded to above by being active however you choose to. Do not allow yourself the excuses that I have heard; “gym too expensive”, “too far”, “can’t get the time” etc and surely either we have made these excuses or have heard them. So when faced with these excuses, I counter, “you don’t need the gym”. - Invest in some good software, not for the computer but for your feet, and go enjoy nature. Note the word, ‘invest’ and not buy; you need to invest in your health. Go walking. Go outside and skip. Go jog on the beach. Clean up the bike that’s been in the shed for years and go for a ride. The benefits are immense.
I have assumed this approach to life for years. Personally, the emphasis changes from time to time but there’s always something to do that involves exercise. Many of those on this blog used to kayak surf. If those weren’t some of the best days of our lives I don’t know what was. We still swim, run, ride, hike, go to the gym, play sports… for what end, the pain? Yes for the pain. That sweet pain you feel after a good workout which is accompanied by the euphoria as your body is thanking your mind for taking care of it.
After years of this crazy but thoroughly enjoyable way of life the Iron Docs will continue to press on until we drop but at least when we drop, we can say to all that we enjoyed doing what we did while we were doing it.
Live life to the fullest Iron Docs!
A day without sweat is a day without sunshine!!
IronDocs Admin!
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