The hike for Sun Feb 6th starts at St Elizabeth School at the bottom of Horse Hill at 3:45 sharp. A convoy leaves Dr Thompson's office yard at Hothesal Turning roundabout on the ABC H'way @ 3:15 sharp. Don't be late. Bring a friend(s) & flashlight.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hike # 1

Dear All,
After the hike was postponed last week because of Hurricane Tomas, we will now host the first hike on Sunday November 7th.
·      The hikes will start at 4 pm sharp every Sunday. Meeting points will be published on the IronDocs blog by the previous Wednesday. In any case a central meeting point will also be published for those not knowing the country well.
·      Remember to be respectful of nature, the environment, and private and crown properties through which we will traverse.
·      We are each others keeper so be wary of those in front and those behind. If there’s a threat (injury, lost way…) shout early as those in front may be some way off.
·      There will be multiple points for rest, catch up, drills, hydration…
·      There will be at least 2 guides (occasionally more) on each hike.
·      Essential equipment;
o   Comfortable footware.
o   Comfortable loose shirt and long pants. No shorts. Preferably synthetic track pants as cotton tends to be difficult to clean.
o   Small flashlight. It will get dark even though the hikes are not likely to go way into the night but its getting dark early at this time of year.
o   Bring cold/frozen water or sports drink for the end of the hike, and a small water bottle for during the hike. There will be opportunity for refills.
o   A cap/hat may be useful.
o   The less baggage the better so no haversacks with food, makeup, towels…
·      A few words of caution (not discouragement);
o   Exercise is addictive but it’s a healthy vice.
o   Waterproof your phones. It will rain.
o   During the hikes;
§  You will get dirty.
§  You will fall (usually minor slips and slides).
§  You will laugh, cry, wish you never came, and then wish for more, all at the same time.
·      The first hike starts from Codrington College, St. John, with a meeting point at Trimart Haggatt car park at leaving at 3:25 sharp.

Q: What does a trim body, with a firm flat stomach tell the world? 
A: That you have taken command of your health and fitness. 

See you next week and start training and spread the word.


Maisha said...

Do these hikes cater for the not so fit like me?!!

Irondocs-vs-chronicdiseases said...

We are looking forward to you being there, we in the business of getting fit not being fit!! This time next year WE fit like a fiddle!!